Mr. Toad

toadjpgI’ve been quite remiss about updating what’s going on here, my move, the new house, etc. So instead I offer you Mr. Toad, who I discovered in my gardening shoe when cleaning up outside yesterday. Adorable.

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5 Responses to Mr. Toad

  1. laramays says:

    Yes he is adorable!
    I encountered a Northern Desert Nightsnake in my garden last week. Equally adorable but happily not in my shoe.

  2. hester gillespie says:

    glad you looked inside before slipping on the shoe. what a beauty. h

  3. Peter says:

    He looks like a big chap, and useful to have around. He’ll eat up your slugs and snails!

  4. tershiadelgin says:

    Hi, honey


    Nuts here.

    Love, T

  5. marval says:

    cute! send some news, too!

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